

Adapted sailing school since 1988 (Disabled friendly)
Timberland (Clothes)  / International Yacht Paint  / Cruyff foundation   Sponsored

Organizes and conducts activities within the sport of sailing and water sports

work for the integration of people with disabilities through the sport of sailing.

The Timberland Adapted Sailing School (ETVA.) Is a nonprofit organization located in Port d’Aiguadolç in Sitges. Its main objective is to teach surfing and works for the integration of people with disabilities through the sport of sailing.

People with sensory physical, intellectual or more.

Recreation Boat Aiguadolçs

Juniors Trainings
Other objectives of the school are: Train students from our sailing instructors. Provide support, training and monitoring the creation …

Initiative of Dr. and Victoria Fumadó (sailor)

The Timberland Adapted Sailing School is located at the mouth of Marina Aiguadolç in Sitges (Barcelona) offers a safe environment …

History / Career Achievements
2nd and 3rd in the World of Disabled Sailing

(Chairperson of the Committee on the Disabled Sailing FEDMF, coach of the Spanish Paralympic Team, National Classification of Sailing)

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Children having fun
Within the range of activities organized by the School has particular relevance summer activities for children, activities for centers and related entities and the competition area

The activities of the school are:

Courses for beginners

  • Training courses
  • Courses for schools and institutions.
  • Children nautical Summer Camps
  • Training for competition
  • Participation in Catalan, Spanish and international competitions
  • Organization of competitions
  • Organization of seminars and courses for monitors

Sea introduction and customized courses
Many entities are regular attendees of the School from ETVA sea baptisms are concluded to publicize the sport of sailing or organize …

Nautical summer events
Nautical colonies are intended for children with physical disabilities.
For a week, students are live in…

Continuing Education
Infant candle has a very important role within the School, developed throughout the year an intensive program. The aim …

Teacher Training
As a pioneer in Spain, the school is specialized monitors and advises with his extensive experience in the creation of new schools …

Preparation and participation in regattas
Since 1992 ETVA has worked to encourage adapted sailing competition in our country, working closely with …

Organization race
ETVA organized annually in Puerto d’Aiguadolç Championship Adapted Sailing Catalonia, in collaboration with the Federation

Since 2000, Timberland sponsors adapted sailing school, located in Port de Sitges Aiguadolç and also has the support of the Cruyff Foundation and the collaboration of the company International (Akzo Nobel), among others.

Numerous institutions ETVA found in the door to enter the sport of sailing with consequent psychological physical benefits (rehabilitation).
The school, which holds regular briefings centers, offers specialized facilities and professional instructors to assist in the teaching and practice of sport:

  • A.N.N.E Fundación (Atención a Niños con Necesidades Especiales)
  • ACIDH (Inteligencia límite)
  • Asociación Pere Mitjans
  • Centro de Recursos de la ONCE Joan Amades
  • Club Deportivo ASPACE (Asociación Parálisis cerebral)
  • Club Deportivo ESBONAT (Parálisis cerebral)
  • Club Espina Bífida
  • Club l´Espiga de Vilafranca (Centro Ocupacional par personas con discapacidad psíquica)
  • Club la Nau (Centro Ocupacional para personas con discapacidad psíquica)
  • FCEMF (Federació Catalana d´Esports de Minusvàlids Físics)
  • Federación catalana de deportes para ciegos
  • Fundación Ave María (Centro para personas con discapacidad intelectual)
  • Fundación LUCIA para el SIDA pediátrico
  • Fundación San Miquel (Centro Ocupacional para personas con discapacidad psíquica)
  • Hospital Sant Joan de Deu
  • Instituto Guttmann
  • La Llar (Esclerosis Múltiple)
  • ONCE Cataluña


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Port d'Aiguadolç, Sitges

Enjoy the sea and learn to sail. Nautical School Practice Sailing: Nautical Reports and appraisals Isaac Coll with fifteen years as a teaching professional and sailing